인물 기본정보

메리 엘리자베스 마스란토니오 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio

뮤지컬배우, 가수



Film Law & Order: Criminal Intent, 2010> Actress(Captain Zoe Callas)
The Russell Girl, 2008> Actress(Gayle Russell)
Without a Trace, 2005-2006> Actress(Anne Cassidy)
Stories of Lost Souls, 2005> Actress(Maria)
The Brooke Ellison Story, 2004> Actress(Jean Ellison)
Standing Room Only, 2004/I> Actress(Maria)
Tabloid, 2001> Actress(Natasha Fox)
The Perfect Storm, 2000> Actress(Linda Greenlaw)
Witness Protection, 1999> Actress(Cindy Batton)
My Life So Far, 1999> Actress(Moira 'Mumsie' Pettigrew)
Limbo, 1999> Actress(Donna De Angelo)
Two Bits, 1995> Actress(Luisa Spirito)
Three Wishes, 1995> Actress(Jeanne Holman)
Frasier, 1995> Actress(Eileen)
Consenting Adults, 1992> Actress(Priscilla Parker)
White Sands, 1992> Actress(Lane Bodine)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, 1991> Actress(Marian Dubois)
Class Action, 1991> Actress(Maggie Ward)
Uncle Vanya, 1991> Actress(Yelena)
Fools of Fortune, 1990> Actress(Marianne)
The Abyss, 1989> Actress(Lindsey Brigman)
The January Man, 1989> Actress(Bernadette Flynn)
Slam Dance, 1987> Actress(Helen Drood)
The Color of Money, 1986> Actress(Carmen)
Mussolini: The Untold Story, 1985> Actress(Edda Mussolini-Ciano)
Scarface, 1983> Actress(Gina Montana)
The King of Comedy, 1982> Actress(Extra in crowd scene)